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Google plans to deploy hundreds of Project Loon balloons in an effort to make fast internet more accessible to the citizens of Republic of indonesia. The visitor will collaborate with Indonesian network operators for transmitting LTE-speed connections to effectually 100 million people in the region. To that end, Google has signed a memorandum of understanding with Indonesian telecom operators — Indosat, Telkomsel, and XL Axiata. The testing of Project Loon airborne base station technology across Indonesia will get-go next twelvemonth.

In comparing with many countries in Africa and other parts of Asia, Republic of indonesia is somewhat ahead in internet connectivity, but information technology all the same ranks lowest across southeast Asia. Going by the estimates, the southeast Asian nation has a population of around 256 million, which distributes across more than than 17,000 islands. Local data suggests that but one-third of the population has access to the internet. Nevertheless, estimates Indonesia ranks 135th in the globe with 15.viii pct cyberspace user penetration.

Google started its aggressive Project Loon two years dorsum, with a target to transmit high-speed internet through a bunch of balloons hovering eighteen,000 meters higher up the Earth's surface. Indonesia will be the fourth destination for testing the project. Google conducted previous trials in Brazil, Australia, and New Zealand.

Instead of obtaining private spectrum in the above cases, Google chose to marry with local operators and utilize their services. Information technology'due south using balloons to transmit the service because frequency bands deliver ameliorate coverage from the heaven (18-20 km above the footing). Traffic from the airship network then transfers to the base of operations station of each local operator.

Geographically, Indonesia makes pervasive internet connectivity difficult. Keeping that in mind, Google thinks Projection Loon will be just the right fit. In a Google+ post, Mike Cassidy, vice president for Project Loon, wrote that he hopes "Loon tin assist telecommunication companies extend their networks."

Hers'south how information technology volition work: Signals from areas with good connectivity will be transmitted to the solar-powered balloons, which in the grade of an airborne network can so beam it to the areas with low connectivity. "High in the sky, nosotros can assist overcome the difficulties of spreading equipment across an archipelago of 17,000 island, jungles, and mountains, providing connectivity to even the most remote islands," Cassidy said.

Google's goal is to provide loftier-speed Internet to more than 100 million people currently with no access within five years. In a split initiative, Google announced to provide loftier-speed public Wi-Fi access at 400 railway stations in Republic of india. It has also tested Projection Loon in New Mexico, Chile, and Sri Lanka.

The team behind the Projection Loon has plans to launch more than than 300 balloons throughout 2016. As soon as the balloons cover the complete southern hemisphere, the team will brainstorm signing upwards interested users for inbound the beta project. Finally, the quality of balloons has improved since the ones deployed in the initial stage of the project. The new balloons have simply fifteen minutes to set up and broadcast data at speeds upward to 10Mbps.